Sunday, March 14, 2010

Falling Off the Wagon

Yesterday The Rene' and I went to Kaleidoscope Pizza. So, I fell off the wagon. Not just fell off it...but you know in those Western movies when the valiant hero falls off the wagon and accidentally gets his ankle caught by a rope and he is dangling and dragging behind the wagon? Yeah, that was me folks.

I have a thing for Carbs. I just do. Delicious cheesy breadsticks are like crack to me. Who needs illegal drugs when you can go down to a pizza place and get mozzarella cheese melted all over hot bread? At the beginning, I started out okay. I had ordered a delicious salad. Then I poured ranch dressing all over the delicious salad to make it even more delicious. Then I had several breadsticks all dripping with cheese and marinara. ***Hmmmm, HEAVEN!***

I felt really bad yesterday about my poor eating. I was kinda kicking myself in the car after we left, but I realized that even though I messed up in my food choices, I have made some positive changes. For one, I did not overeat or eat beyond fullness. Two, I at least tried to order something healthy. Also, I did eat very slowly, took my time and enjoyed my meal. These are successes for me, so I need to quit beating myself up and recognize that this is not going to happen overnight, nor am I going to do everything perfectly. This is a process, a journey and it will be a challenge. But my stacks of jeans are getting closer with every little success I enjoy!

I have a long way to go, but this morning when I weighed, I had lost 3.4 more pounds bringing up my total to 8 pounds in two weeks. I am very excited and cannot wait to see what is next!

Happy Sunday!


  1. Hey Jessica! Interesting isn't it? This battle of weight? It I have discovered is a life long struggle-I call it my cross to bear! There is a really good book-Love to Eat/Hate to Eat by Elyse Fitzpatrick-Have you heard of it? Totally biblical and really good motivation-
    Congrats on making changes-I've been telling myself lately when I want to indulge "insulin resistance"!! I don't want diabetes!! Love ya, Julie Wyatt
