Sunday, March 21, 2010

Blurry Vision

It is so easy to lose focus when you are dieting. Last week I was sick and I am a comfort eater. Tuesday I spent the day alternately eating and laying on the couch like a meatloaf. It is so hard to resist temptation when you are sick! I didn't want to make bad choices and overeat, I just was too dang tired to care!

This turned out to be my slippery slope for the week. It turns out that it has been easy for me to resist the sugary snacks and delicious treats at work and at home because they are obviously a wrong choice. Other foods however, have been a little more difficult for me to resist. I have not made wise choices in the foods I eat. I want to....sorta. It is just so hard for me to choose a salad over pasta. A low-cal dish over a cheeseburger. A granola bar over ice cream. Especially because I am such a comfort eater.

The truth is, I am going to have to make some sacrifices if I want to get this weight off. I went shopping yesterday and today trying to find clothes to wear on vacation. That was a bummer. I don't care what anyone says, there are far less choices in the plus-size section than any others. Not to mention they are considerably more costly! I was at Goodwill today and in addition to being bit by a spider, I was slapped in the face by rack after rack of average-lady clothing in comparison to one of plus-sized. While I was waiting for The Rene' to try on his clothes, I looked at the rack outside of the dressing room with several pairs of adorable summer capris....size 12.


For once in my life I want to be able to walk into a store confident that I will be able to purchase something cute, trendy, and so ME!!! I am an adorable vixen just waiting to be unleashed! I know things that could make those skinny stick-insect cashiers at Victoria's Secret blush! I am so tired of not being able to wear what I want, buy what I want and feel confident about my appearance. This kids, is why I HAVE to change. No more sorta. No more sitting on the fence. I have to do this. I cannot give up. I will make the choice to choose right and save my life...and my fashion sense.

Live Long and Prosper!!!!


  1. I love the complete honesty you are blogging in Jessica...I totally hear you!! I get what you're big frustration comes from my multiple meds...most of which cause weight gain, dizzyness, I could go on &'s frustrating!! Take care Jessica and know that you have a Sister in Christ that is sharing in the same battle of the weight with you and is cheering and praying for our success!!! Love ya Girlie!!

  2. said it sister. Comfort eating while you are sick is the way the chips seems to fall. I found that when I was exercising regularily I didn't want to undo what I accomplished and so I ate better, but when you are coughing and not feeling so super then the cravings for Puck's doughnuts kick in and it's all out the window anyway. But like you I seem to have pulled myself out of this stupor and am back on that train to good health. I too want to walk into a store (with you preferrably) and pick up some clothing off of a rack that doesn't cost more and is super cute! I'm with you on this and I believe in your willpower. I've seen the things you can accomplish and I just know that when you put your mind to something it usually comes to fruition. You are an inspiration!

  3. Jessica - great blog. Just reading it helps to encourage me, so keep up the good work and if you do slip a little, know that it is ok and tomorrow will be a better day. Hopefully knowing that you are encouraging others, will be a positive motivator for you.
