Friday, June 22, 2012

The Secret-Jesus Style

Do you remember a few years ago there was this super popular book called "The Secret"?  It was an international bestseller and millions upon millions of copies were sold.  Now, I confess, I didn't read the book, but I did peruse the web site and this is what it said about "The Secret":

"The Secret has been passed down through the ages... coveted, hidden, lost, stolen, bought for vast sums of money, and known by some of the most exceptional people who ever lived: Plato, Galileo, Da Vinci, Beethoven, Edison, and Einstein, to name but a few.

The Secret book reveals how you can change every aspect of your life. You can turn any weakness or suffering into strength, power, unlimited abundance, health and joy.

Everything is possible, nothing is impossible. There are no limits. Whatever you can dream of can be yours, when you use The Secret."
(Copyright © 2007-2012 TS Production LLC)

Doesn't that sound AMAZING?!  THE SECRET, was coveted, hidden and only available to the greatest, richest, awesomest people on the planet...not poor schmucks like you and me.  But somehow, this woman Rhonda Byrne, a former television writer and producer from Australia, discovered IT---THE SECRET to a successful life.  THE SECRET to getting everything you or I could ever want.  THE SECRET to a fulfilling life, health, wealth and prosperity.  Holy moses, doesn't that sound just---unbelievable

That's because it is.

I have been going through a real period of remodeling in my Christian life.  God, in His infinite love and mercy, has looked upon my heart and soul and pronounced it to be "Not Good."  I would love to be able to report that I have been gracious, teachable, humble and moldable during this process, but I don't want to get struck by lightening or have my nose grow to the size of a redwood.  I have suffered a lot during this reworking of my heart, (mostly self-inflicted) and have gone to God's word again and again searching for something, THE SECRET to help me navigate my way through this time.  This morning I came across this little gem:

"I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.  I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty.  I have learned THE SECRET of being conent in any and every situation, whether living in plenty or in want.  I CAN DO EVERYTHING THROUGH HIM WHO GIVES ME STRENGTH."  ~Philippians 4:11-13 (emphasis mine)

I have read this verse a gajillion times folks.  A GAJILLION!  Today however, God revealed to me the true essence of what Paul was saying.  God revealed to me THE SECRET!!! 

The secret is that I can do all things through Christ because HE is my strength.  It doesn't matter what it is, what the circumstance may be, or how impossible things may seem because I CAN DO EVERYTHING through Him!  Not with Him.  Not in consulting Him. Not talking at Him.  THROUGH HIM.  This means getting myself off the Throne, letting Him lead me and truly submitting to His plans for my life.  I realized today that His plan for my life is that I have no plans for my life...I let Him be the boss.  Jesus Christ is the boss of me.  When I forget that, I get lost.

When God revealed this little epiphany to me this morning, I was downright giddy.  The weight is lifted!  My life, my career, my everything is going to be handled by the creator of the universe and I don't have to worry any more!  It may be a secret, but I am not going to keep it, I am going to tell everyone who would listen.  Now, pass it on.

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