Monday, July 30, 2012

Prayerful Career Counseling

Today, I read an awesome blog by a lady who has been blessed to find her "thing".  She has been able to find her gift, her God-given talent that she can utilize and use to honor God and pour her creativity and heart into. 

I don't have a thing.

Seriously, I don't.

There are many things I like to do; sing, read, cook, write.  But none of them are what I would consider to be "IT".  The gift, the talent, or skill that God has given me to use for His glory. 

I was thinking in the car this morning that maybe that is why I have yet to find that one career that makes my heart sing.  Blerg.  I know what I want to do, but I simply don't have enough education to make that happen.  Nor do I have the financial resources to get that education.  So, I have settled.  I have settled for jobs that are kinda what I want to do, but not really.  Jobs that are close to the goal, but aren't the goal itself.

When I went to school, I went to school to be a counselor.  I wanted to be a therapist and help people.  I truly feel that is my calling.  Since I have graduated however, I have become trapped in the tyranny of the urgent.  Rene' was unemployed so I had to take jobs for money rather than passion.  I would love to go back to school, but I just can't see that happening. 

Unlike my other posts, I don't really have a big lesson that I have learned.  I guess I am thinking that I need God's direction.  So, will you pray for me that God will reveal Himself to me and that I would be responsive to His leading? 

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